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Thomas S. Wootton Media Center: Synergy - Parent Vue/ Student Vue

Phone: 240-740-1564

Student Account Access Links

Getting Started - Student Vue, MyMCPS classroom, Canvas etc. 
Click HERE for links  to get started.

 ***Access in multiple languages

( or use the document below) 

Students Vue - Finding your schedule

How do I view my schedule?

Follow the steps below or watch this screencast

  • Navigate to the Synergy and log in. 

  • Click on Class Schedule. 

  • Email your teacher if you have any questions or concerns. 

Student Account Access Links


 Student Vue, Parent Vue, MyMCPS

Need assistance?

Email Ms. Burk (Media Specialist)


You can also call (240) 740-7020

Student Vue - Checking grades

How do I check my current grades?

Follow the steps below or watch this screencast

  1. Navigate to the Synergy and log in. 

  2. Click on Grade Book. 

  3. Review the overall grades in each of your classes.

  4. Click on the class title to see the assignment details for a particular class. 

  5. You can switch classes and quarters by using the drop down menus.  



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