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Thomas S. Wootton Media Center: Noodle Tools - Citing Sources

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Creating a Bibliography

Use this guide  when creating a bibliography in MLA style.

Remember, whenever you do research, it's a good idea to open  NoodleTools and login to keep track of your sources. If you can't identify a source in your bibliography, you can't use it in your final project! 

Citation Examples


Author's last name, first name. Title of book. Place published: Publisher, copyright year.


Jones, Mary. How to Build a Kite. NY: Chelsea, 2008

Web Site:

Author's last name, first name. "Page or article title." Name of Website. Copyright  date or date last updated. Publisher. Date  accessed page. <URL.>


“U-Boats.” World War II on the Web. 1 May 1999. The History Channel. 25 Apr. 2002 <>. 


Newspaper or Magazine article from an Online Database:

Author last name, first name. "Article Title. "Magazine or Newspaper Publication date: Page if available. Name of Database. Date  accessed  article. <URL.>


Black, Debra. "The Holiest of India's Holy Cities." Toronto Star 6 July 2006:A3. SIRS Discoverer. 4 June 2011.

What is Plagiarism?

Why Cite?

Why  is it important to cite your sources?

Why is it important to cite your sources?

  • So your reader knows where you got your information.
  • To give credit where credit is due.
  • To avoid plagiarism, which can have serious consequences.

Create your citations as you go, so you don't lose track of your sources!

Cite any source of ideas or information that you use in your final product, including images.

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