Students meet Brian A. Thompson who has been a Banknote Designer for over thirty-six years, where he currently works at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Brian designed the front of the new fifty-dollar ($50)bill and he has designed the brand new one hundred dollar($100) bill from its entirety
Designing shoes with Black History influence.
Q& A with students
Brian Thompson displays his artwork
Brian Thompson, Artist, Designer, HBCU Grad
All about the Benjamins ! Brian A. Thompson has been a Banknote Designer for over thirty-six years, where he currently works at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Brian designed the front of the new fifty-dollar($50) bill and he has designed the brand new one hundred dollar ($100) bill from its entirety!
Brian A. Thompson designed the front of the new fifty-dollar ($50) bill and he has designed the brand new one hundred dollar bill ($100) from its entirety. He encourages students to think beyond the canvas with their artwork.
Encouraging students to think beyond canvas with their art/drawings - Shoe designs
Q& A with Mr. Thompson
Brian A. Thompson designed the front of the new fifty-dollar bill ($50) and he has designed the brand new one hundred dollar($100) bill from its entirety. Brian talks with students about importance of apprenticeship.
wall display created by TB, Media Specialist 2025
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Students need a signed pass from your teacher during the instructional time of day.
Monday - Thursday
7:20am - 3:20pm
Friday - Close at 3pm