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Thomas S. Wootton Media Center: Polices,Procedures & Expectations

Phone: 240-740-1564

Media Center is a safe space for all!

Media Center  is a safe space and all are welcome.

  • Students are  expected to be:
  •  Mindful of the  volume of your voice, while  some are relaxing, many students  are studying/working.
  • Respectful and  purposeful  with the media center space and materials.  Please re-shelve books  appropriately, if unsure  ask for assistance.   Return  wellness activity items( games/boards etc) to  proper location.  
  •   Thoughtful and collect your trash to recycle and dispose appropriately.  
  •  Aware that  eating  is not allowed. NO food please, including candy.

Visiting Independently/Passes

Expectations & Procedures  Visiting the Media Center 

  • Students  visiting independently  ( to print, check out books, chromebook assistance etc) must have a signed pass from  your teacher.   We will ask you to  return to class  to get a signed pass.
  • Upon entering the   media center,  stop at the circulation desk, present your pass to media staff  and sign in  using the computer/Google form. 
  • Students without a scheduled class (ie. abbreviated schedules, Dual Enrollment, Applied Internship etc)  are  allowed  to  work in the media center during your off period as longs as you are following rules and are  not  a distraction to instruction.    Please sign in at the  circulation desk .   
  • NO FOOD. NO SNACKS. NO EATING is allowed.  Students may drink from water bottles. 


Checking Out Materials

Checking Out Books

  • Students  will check out books  using  their student ID number.  
  • Books are circulated for a   3- week period. 
  • There is not a check out limit.  Students  may borrow as may books as they choose.***( please be thoughtful about  titles in a series- may not borrow an entire series at once) 
  • Overdue reminders  are  delivered  through  1st period  classes  and student  MCPS Google email.
  • We do not charge late fee fines but lost or damaged books will  result in an obligation.
  • Books overdue by 30 days will become an obligation with the finance office.  

The book you want is checked  out, now what?

If the book  you'd like to read is  checked out, you can easily place a  HOLD or RESERVE on the  book.   When the  book becomes available, the media staff will notify you!    Click here  for  instructions on how to place a book on hold. 




If you are new to Wootton, and  havent picked up your  chromebook, please come to the Media Center.  We will assign you  a  chromebook. 

  •  Daily Loaner  - If you have  forgotten your chrome book  at home, you may borrow a chromebook from the Media Center for the day.  You must  to return  the borrowed chromebook at the end of the day before leaving the building.    
  • Troubleshooting Chromebook  -  not working or charging improperly,  lost , etc - see Mrs. Liao,  Mr. Lu(Rm 112)
  • Charging a  chromebook-  must  connect your charger to the left side of your chromebook to charge.  The right side will NOT charge it. 
  • Damage or  lost chromebooks will result in an obligation with the Finance Office.  Please see Mr. Lu in  room 112 for more information. 

Printing & Passwords


  • Printing from your cellphone or personal device is  not an option. 
  • Students  are  able to print with a  MCPS issued chromebook to the black and white  printer  in the Media Center. You will  select  printer:   234-Media-HP605-17 
  • Students have a  daily  printing limit of 20 pages.  It may be 20 single side pages or 10 double side pages and it must be school/classwork related.
  •  Printing in COLOR  requires  assistance and the use  of the  computers in the Media Center.  Please ask for help.*****



Please  ask for assistance  if you  are having issues with your password, i.e. it was reset, you forgot it etc.   We can help you! 

Libguide is managed by the Media Specialist